Week Six

March 1, 2017

What you should do:

  1. Complete the assigned readings as outlined below
  2. Bring any questions you have from the readings to class


Required Reading

Negble et al (2014) Nursing Severe Burn Injury Patients (Available in CI Learn Unit Two)

What are the standards of practice for diabetic care in the ICU? Explore Diabetes.org and ADA 2016 Guidelines and Glycemic Targets for Criticallly Ill

Hyperglycemia and lack of sleep (Available in CI Learn Unit Two)

What do you think? Blog on DKA by Josh Farkas 2014

From the Endocrine series:

Glucose Management in Critically Ill Adults and Children
Mechanisms and clinical consequences of critical illness associated with adrenal insufficiency

Classroom Learning Activities

  • Discussion Endocrine Emergencies – PP slides in CI Learn


  • Peer Review Practice – Activity


Hypothes.is Resource and Information Page

  • Padlet Activity following the article review with Hypothes.is

Made with Padlet


Part One:

Take our discussion beyond the classroom.

Who knows about drugs?? Take an informal survey of family members, friends, or coworkers. Do they know the medications they take? If they don’t take medications, do they know about over the counter medications – drug/pharmacological/generic/brand names? Do they know the side effects and safe doses? What about homeopathic remedies and herbal medications? Let’s do some “close to home” education and see what happens! Please blog what you found out or what education you provided.

Part Two:

Please go to ATI testing and find Pharmacology Made Easy in the Practice Tutorials list. There you will find and should complete the module for The Endocrine System. Be aware there are modules for every system for pharmacology as a review on your own time to access and practice as you wish.