Week Twelve

April 12, 2017

What you should do:

  1. Read the required reading as outlined below
  2. The next exam is coming up, are you prepared?


Required Reading


Classroom Learning Activities

1000 am Campus Emergency Alarm Test

  • Nutrition Research Activity
  • Made with Padlet
  • In-class Case Study Question and Answers: GI Bleed
  • Video Level One Trauma
  • Trauma Care Activity


Choose a disaster that has occurred in the last 10 years (in the United States or internationally). Research the event online. Blog your report about the event specifically addressing the healthcare perspective. What were the barriers for providing and/or accessing healthcare? Who responded? How long did it go on? How did socioeconomics and environment impact the event and environment? What type of trauma care would need to be provided? Imagine being a healthcare provider during that event. Are we better prepared for the next disaster?