Week Fifteen

May 3, 2017

What you should do:

  1. Complete the required reading as listed below
  2. Check it out: Death over Dinner
  3. ABC MODS catalyst story (10:43 min): Case Study Video example of MODS post trauma

Required Reading

Kilcullen, J. K. (2014) “As good as dead” and is that good enough? Public attitudes toward brain death, Journal of Critical Care, 29, 872-874.

Early Defibrillation Programs

Guidance Addressing Spirituality

Classroom Activities

0900-0945 Follow up on Hematology and Infectious Disease from last week

1000- 1045 Codes and ICU End of Life Situation

Code Situation PowerPoint and Discussion

Discussion in class: How We Die Now
In class: Extremis and ICU Patient Experience

End of Life Care Shared Perspectives Activity (co-organized with Class of 2019)

Broome Library 2330 and Bell Tower West 1642

Discussion Surrounding Ted Talks: What Really Matters (We will watch in class together)


  1. Potluck for our Digital Storytelling presentations on May 10
  2. The end is near. The semester is almost over. You are so close to graduation! What have you learned? Where do you see yourself in a few months, six months, or a year? What resources do you have? What supports do you have to be successful this first year? Think back to the last three years of your nursing education. Reflect on the progress you have made. What has been impacting? What will you remember? What do you want to be sure not to forget? Write you final blog reflecting upon the progression you have made to becoming a graduate from CSU Channel Islands Nursing Program Class of 2016.