January 24, 2017
What you should do:
- Explore the course
- Get rest
- Come to class ready to learn
Required Reading:
eReserves Perrin Chapters 1 (Available on preview Amazon, link in Canvas)
Clinical Decision Making Among Critical Care Nurse
For class we will review/discuss/access:
- UCSF Center for Vulnerable Populations – Select ‘Program Areas’ and ‘Diseases and Conditions’
Class Activities
- Introductions
- Course Overview
- Group Topic SignUps
- Introduction to Critical Care (Slides in Canvas)
- Introduction to Case Management (Slides in Canvas)
By next week:
- Access your CI Keys site. Create a post include a comment, photo, or discussion topic of choice. For example you could include what you are excited about this semester or what you like or dislike about the first week of classes.
2. Student Response Survey in Canvas – Please complete!
3. By Friday Jan 26th:
Why I Want To Be A Nurse
- Contribute to ‘Why I Want to Be a Nurse?’ introduction and reflect on your progress thus far.
Click on the presentation to the right. Use the arrow to click to the next slide and follow the instructions. To edit the presentation click the “options” wheel at the bottom.