Unit Four

April 15th - May 17th

Week Thirteen: Disaster Preparation

Week Fourteen: Hematological Issues; Infectious Disease

Week Fifteen: MODS; Code Situations; Shock; End of Life

Week Sixteen: Role of the Graduating Nurse; Digital Storytelling

Final Exam Online by May 17th

Learning Outcomes

This unit extends from Week 13 through the end of the course. The final exam is online and can be taken anytime from May 10th 9 pm through May 17th finals week.

At the end of this unit students will be able to:

This unit covers content specific to care of the patient with multisystem organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS), shock, and end of life care.

At the end of this unit, students will be able to:

  • Identify and describe critical care related care of the critical care patient with MODS, shock, hematological issues, and during disaster or code situations, including pathophysiology, presenting signs and symptoms, etiology and contributing factors, sequelae and progression, and goals of nursing management
  • Compare and contrast patients with MODS, shock, hematological issues, and during disaster or code situations secondary to other comorbitities, considering the severity of the illness.
  • Compare and contrast diversity and cultural belief systems related to end of life care.
  • Identify key nursing management strategies for patients with MODS, shock, and in code situations.
  • Identify key nursing roles and management strategies for patient requiring end of life care and/or decision making support.
  • Describe support systems in place for patients and families needing to make decisions related to end of life care and during code situations.
  • Analyze different communication strategies for the role of the critical care nurse.
  • Categorize appropriate nursing care planning (assessment, diagnosis, goals, interventions, evaluation) related to the patient with MODS, shock, hematological issues, during disasters, during code situations, or requiring end of life care.